Bollywood Actress Sunny Leone will walk on New York Fashion week for Archana Kochhar on upcoming fashion week slated on 08-September.
Sunny leone says her dream comes true since she joins kochchar.
Kochhar is going to showcase her collection 'A Tale of Two Travels', a mélange of her travels to the Taj Mahal and the village of Banjara tribals, at the FTL New York Fashion Week SS17
The important high light of the show is the acid attacked Reshma Banoo Qureshi will walk the ramp for her since kochchar works for the initiative "Bring Beauty Back"
Sunny Leone
Sunny leone says her dream comes true since she joins kochchar.
Kochhar is going to showcase her collection 'A Tale of Two Travels', a mélange of her travels to the Taj Mahal and the village of Banjara tribals, at the FTL New York Fashion Week SS17
The important high light of the show is the acid attacked Reshma Banoo Qureshi will walk the ramp for her since kochchar works for the initiative "Bring Beauty Back"
Sunny Leone